Fourth of July

If you are American, you just finished or still having the 4th of July party. How people celebrate 4th of July was having a BBQ at your backyard till the late night or dressing up as the flag of U.S.A and having a chilling music sunbathing party on the nearby beach. After the sun goes down, the firework lights up the dark sky and people dancing with Katy Perry's song "Firework" to end up the day of freedom.


Unfortunately, I didn't have the chance to celebrate the 4th this year, but I still can share what I did with all my friends when we were studying there in 2016. It was new and fresh for us who are foreigners to physically having this American holidays. Basically, we didn't do many things that day though. We eat, chat, listening to music by my JBL speaker which I just bought the day before, swim, and sunbathing till everyone's skin start to get red (luckily I'm Asian and only get tanner by the sunlight). 


Even though we don't have a BBQ party, but we still have some BBQ hamburger to get that holiday spirit. Well, it was not as good as In n Out, but still a something. As we politely says "It was nothing but definitely something."

After dinner, we ask the lifeguard to help us take our first official group photo ( the kind can go on Instagram and make everyone's eyes blow). The way the lifeguard took the picture was first, taking one average, perfect smile, and eyes look directly to the lens type. Second, start making jokes, making us laugh. The way he distracts us helps us look natural and alive in the photo, really pop up the atmosphere of friendship and freedom. 

We end up the day with the fantastic fireworks, which lights up the whole Santa Monica Bay, you even can see the fireworks from Redondo Beach to Santa Monica Pier and Malibu, it was a crazy looking. It was a fun day and help us get to know each other more; I'm glad this holiday brought us together and closer to be like a family. 

But after all, it was a long, expensive way to go back to each of our host family by the Uber... Well, I still recommend staying a little bit late (but it gets super cold at night by the beach area in Los Angeles), or leave earlier... 


The Beginning | Road Trip California